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■Jadeite 2さん(2002年2月9日)
I'm not sure if you know this (I couldn't find any reference to
it on your webpage) but most of the "missing" comics that were not
translated by Viz in the initial run were published last year in their
manga magazine "Animerica Extra".

Animerica Extra 3.1 (January 2000)
[2 page article]
Suit yourself, Santa = Katte ni seiya
For Whom the bell tolls = Akatsuki ni kane wa naru

Animerica Extra 3.2 (February 2000)
[Front cover art]
Hope Springs Eternal = Haru tokaraji!
Will the cherry blossoms bloom? = Sakura sakuka!?

Rink ni kakero! has still not been translated by them.

ご存知かどうか分かりませんが(あなたのWebページ上には見あたりませんでしたので)、Vizで当初翻訳されなかった話の大部分が、昨年出版された同社のマンガ雑誌「Animerica Extra」に掲載されました。

Animerica Extra 3.1(2000年1月)
Suit yourself, Santa = 勝手に聖夜
For Whom the bell tolls = 暁に鐘は鳴る

Animerica Extra 3.2(2000年2月)
Hope Springs Eternal = 春遠からじ!?
Will the cherry blossoms bloom? = サクラサクカ!?


また、めぞんが表紙になったAnimerica Extra 3.2については、 こちらで参照できるとのことです。

ベトナムに行ってきました。かの国にも思ったよりマンガが入ってきていて、ホーチミンの本屋で『らんま1/2』の第1巻を発見・購入しました。「NHA XUAT BAN TRE」が出版社名でしょうか。発刊日が2001年8月となっていますので第2巻以降は今後ということになります。
作者名はTAKE HASHI RYUBIKOになっていますが(^^)、発音的にはこちらのほうが近いのでしょうかね?



> Was Kyoko's name "Juliette"? How about another person?

Yes, so Kyoko's name is in the french version Juliette Rosier !
I know only the original name of the main characters, I'm sorry :-/.......

Ah, and as I said already, those names were used in the TV series, I think they will use the original names in the book that will be released in december in France.

Here we go !! :-)
Godai: Hugo Dufour
Kyoko: Juliette Rosier
Yotsuya: Stephane
Akemi: Charlotte
Ichinose: Pauline
Mitaka: Francois
Yagami: Clementine
Kentaro: Leo
Kozue: Suzanne
Sakamoto: Marc

> 響子さんの名前は「Juliette」なんですか? 他の人たちは?

はい、ですから響子さんの名前はフランス語版ではJuliette Rosierです。
五代: Hugo Dufour
響子: Juliette Rosier
四谷: Stephane
朱美: Charlotte
一の瀬: Pauline
三鷹: Francois
八神: Clementine
賢太郎: Leo
こずえ: Suzanne
坂本: Marc


> (1) What company (publisher) French edition of MI is published from?

Believe it or not, Maison Ikkoku was not yet published in France !!! The only comics by Rumiko Takahashi published here is Ranma1/2, as far as I know. But, this will change in December, since it will finally be published !!

The name of the company is Tonkam Editions. It's in fact a shop that began to publish some comics a few years ago. It seems like they will publish the Wide Edition (which I own!). I will let you know more about it as soons as it comes out. I wonder if they will keep the reading from right to left. In France, publishers often reverse all the images so it can be read from left to right. If you wonder what I am talking about, I will scan you some examples.

> (2) Is its title name of comics and animation "Maison Ikkoku"? Or another name?

The animation series was named "Juliette je t'aime" (Juliet, I love you). It was the big boom of japanese animation on TV. But not the comics, only animation. So on Wednesday afternoons when french children don't go to school, they showed a lot of animation series which became highly popular, such as Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball, etc etc.... The quality was most of the time not so bad, but they ALWAYS changed the title, the name of the characters, to make it sound more "french", so all the characters got french names! And they also always replaced opening and ending credits with a french song, with a mix of images from the first episodes of the series. But they also showed violent series at the same time, such as Hokuto no Ken, (they should have choosen a better time in the day, not in the afternoon) which resulted in a lot of protest from parents; and also in the press. This gave a very very bad image of japanese animation. (a lot of people still think to this day that any comic or animation series coming from japan is violent.)

So what was the consequence of this ?? Well, a lot of episodes from ANY animation (Maison Ikkoku, Ranma1/2, etc etc) were censored !!!! And censored in such a bad way that sometimes you would not understand the story anymore !!! Or they changed the dubbing to make it sound ridiculous and funny when it was not (ex: Hokuto no Ken) Nevertheless, it was a good time, we were able to see so much japanese animation on TV !!! Because from the middle of the 90's until recently, it had become very rare to be able to watch japanese animation on TV. But during this time, the edition of comics developped rapidly, with some good, but also some bad translations, and adaptations. Now, the situation seems to change since 1 year or so, japanese animation and comics become popular again, and especially with the boom of DVD in Europe, a lot of series from the 80's and 90's are released in DVD, and sell very well. The general opinion seems to have a changed a bit. Now those series are sometimes re-dubbed, and get their original title. Editors seem to respect much more the work of japanese artists. So MI will be published under the name Maison Ikkoku, not "Juliette je t'aime".

> (3) When was the first edition of its comics (vol.1) published?

December 2000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> (4) Has the animation of MI been broadcanted on TV in France? When?

We were lucky, since we discovered MI in 1988 on TF1, the biggest french TV channel. It was a national TV and had been privatized at that time. Which explain that they had quite a lot of money to buy animation series. The most famous series were presented in a show called "Club Dorothee". Although the woman who presented the show was highly criticized at that time (said to make children stupid, etc) I agree she made some mistakes (programming Hokuto no Ken in the afternoon when a lot of young children watched TV (we had 3 channels in France at that time, so a lot of children watched her show) she was yet one of the first one to introduce modern japanese animation in France. She has choosen very good series, since I discovered MI thanks to her. :-) :-) Her show stopped around 95 or so, and she never appeared on TV again. Some private Satellite channels have bought those series and show them sometimes.

> (1) めぞん一刻のフランス語版はどこの出版社から出ているのですか?

 信じられないかもしれませんが、めぞん一刻はまだフランスでは出版されていません。 高橋留美子さんのマンガでこちらで出版されているのは、私の知る限り、らんま1/2だけ。でもこの12月についに出版されることになりました。
 出版社の名前はTonkam Editions、実は数年前にマンガを出版し始めた会社です。ワイド版(私も所有しています)が出るようです。出版されたら詳細をお知らせします。本を右から左に読むようにしてくれないかなと思っています。フランスの出版社は、左から右に読むように画像を反転することが多いのです。本当かとお思いでしたら例をスキャンしてお見せしましょう。

> (2) コミックとアニメのタイトルは「Maison Ikkoku」ですか? それとも別の名前?

 アニメは「Juliette je t'aime (Juliet, I love youの意味)」と名づけられました。テレビでは日本のアニメが大きなブームになっていました。コミックスはなくてアニメだけ。だから、フランスの子供達が学校に行かない水曜の午後には、セイント星矢やドラゴンボールなど、とても人気のあったアニメが多く放映されました。質はそれほど悪くなかったのですが、タイトルや登場人物がフランス語っぽく聞こえるように変えられ、全てのキャラクターがフランス語の名前をつけられたのです。そしてまた、オープニングとエンディングはフランス語の曲と第1話からの編集画像に取り替えられるのが常でした。しかし、同時に北斗の拳のような暴力的な作品が放映されたため(午後ではなく、もっといい時間帯を選んでほしかった)、父兄から多くの抗議を受け、新聞で叩かれました。
 この結果としてどうなったか? 全てのアニメ(めぞんやらんまも)が検閲されたのです! 時にはそのストーリーが理解できないまでのひどいやり方で検閲されました! そして、ばかばかしく楽しく聞こえるように吹き替えられました。北斗の拳のような作品でさえもです。それでも、日本のアニメをテレビでたくさん見られたよい時代でした! 90年代半ばから最近までは、テレビで日本のアニメを見ることは非常にまれになっていたからです。でも、この間、いい訳・悪い訳のも含めてマンガは急速に版を重ねました。1年ほど前から状況は変わってきたようで、日本のアニメやマンガが再び人気が出てきて、特にヨーロッパではDVDがブームとなり、80〜90年代の多くの作品がDVDで発売され、とてもよく売れています。世論は少し変わってきたようです。かつての作品も再録音され、タイトルに原名がつけられるものも出てきました。編集者が日本の作家の仕事を重んじるようになってきたようです。めぞん一刻は「Juliette je t'aime」でなく、「Maison Ikkoku」の名で出版されるでしょう。

> (3) コミックスの第1巻はいつ出たのですか?


> めぞん一刻のアニメはフランスで放映されたことはありますか?それはいつ?



英語版からの翻訳です。# 中国語版、欲しい、、、
 私からヒントを。第2巻(FAMILY AFFAIRS)の中にあり、「7号室」とされているのは2階のトイレです(^^)

■Crisさん (2000年11月5日)
In Italy comics "maison ikkoku" (sub-title "cara dolce kyoko"- the anime
serie only "cara dolce kyoko")
are published from Star Comics. (first number come out in november 1998,
with monthly cadence).

I send you a cover from first number (jpeg attachment)(the number is written
on the right-low, in white).

But this is not the first time that Maison Ikkoku is published in Italy!
There was a first time 1994/1995.
Published from Granata Press, but this house will fail in 1995 (to go under,
bankrupt, ok?)and Maison Ikkoku stopped at number 12 (only 12 number).

イタリアでは、めぞん一刻のコミック(サブタイトルは「cara dolce kyoko」、アニメは「cara dolce kyoko」がタイトル)はStar Comicsから出版されています(第1巻は1998年11月、以後は月一で刊行)。
でも、これがイタリアでのめぞん一刻の最初の出版ではないんですよ! 1994〜1995年にGranata Pressから出版されたのが最初でしたが、この会社は1995年に倒産してしまい、12巻でストップしてしまったんです。






Many years ago, laws on copyright(著作権) weren't
really enforced in Hong Kong at all. At that
time, there were many many comic books published
without copyrights, and they were sold at a very
low price. There were even many weekly magazines
with many comics連載. Just like "Sunday Comics" or
「なかよし」. One of the most popular magazines
is called 「漫画週刊」.

漫画週刊 is about 40 x 30cm, very thin, with around
20 pages. Only the cover and the middle page (which
was a poster) were in color pages. Each issue would
publish several comics. And I believe the source was
from Japan's 連載, like the ones I mentioned above.
Each issued was sold at around HK$5 at the very
beginning, until $10 at the final years.
(¥100=HK$7.3 now) But we are talking about over
10 years ago here.

I hope you are not bored by these facts. ^_^;
My point is, めぞん一刻 was published in 漫画週刊.
I believe this was its debut in HK. But it only
became popular because of TVB's broadcast on TV.
And so, comic books were released in HK.

Now, I've discussed this with my friends, but we
cannot remember the correct year of めぞん一刻's
broadcast. We're guessing around 1989 or 1990 on
TVB. So,漫画週刊's 連載 should be far before this
date, and 漫画工作室's comic should be around the
same time as TVB's broadcast.

Back to the comic books. 漫画工作室 was one of the
many comic books publishers in HK, which were
"illegal" in today's sense. Other publishers
include 雅景、天龍、海豹、etc. Therefore, they
DO NOT exist anymore.

This scene continued until the government passed
laws on enforcing the copyright laws. Again, I
don't remember when was the exact year, but I'm
guessing around 1993. Since then, all pirate
books or magazines like 漫画週刊 vanished. Only
comics with leagl copyrights were sold from that
point onwards. And of course, the legal version
was more expensive than before.

For example. My set of らんま1/2 was published by
雅景.(book 1 - 20 only) The listed price was HK$20,
but I bought them at HK$17 only. From 1993, another
publisher (legal) took over, that was from book 21
onwards, and it was sold at HK$25 each. Towards the
end of the series, it was $30 each.

When you look at めぞん一刻, the situation was similar.
漫画工作室 published the complete set (book 1 - 15,
exactly the same as the コミックス版 in Japan) before
1993. The listed price was HK$28 (but again, I
paid less, like HK$22 each). And then, a few years
later, Taiwan's 尖端 re-published them at HK$40 each.

 以前の香港では著作権法は全く守られていませんでした。当時は、多くのマンガが著作権を持たないまま出版され、非常に安値で売られていたんです。たくさんのマンガを載せた週刊誌もありました。「Sunday Comics」や「なかよし」といった雑誌です。その中で最も人気が高い雑誌の1つが「漫画週刊」でした。
香港におけるマンガ&めぞん一刻の歴史、大変勉強になりました m(_ _)m

■Manuei fantoniさん(2000年4月12日)
Hello, I am Italian.
I don't know if anyone from Italy has already answered
your e-mail on the website http://kyoko.org/
I can tell you that I watched twice the whole Maison
Ikkoku tv series.
The title of MI, in Italy, is "Cara dolce Kyoko" (Dear
sweet Kyoko).
I watched it, for the first time, in 1995.
In Italy, it's published also the manga of MI.
I hope to be useful.
めぞん一刻のタイトルは、イタリアでは「Cara dolce Kyoko」(すてきな響子さん)といいます。

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