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On air in next spring!! Contributer:Pingshan Date:2006/08/07(Mon) 23:32 No.13   HomePage
Special TV drama "Maison Ikkoku" was decided on air in next spring!!
Misaki Ito plays Kyoko!

(Japanese only)

Re: On air in next spring!! Theo - 2006/08/11(Fri) 22:34 No.14  

Great news!

I'm sorry I reply the post so late because I went on errands...

Maybe I can study Japanese to help you translate the site to chinese version...but I'm not sure how long time to learn enough Japanese to translate the site...Maybe that's just a dream...

Some news about the drama?  Contributer:Ishikawa Date:2006/03/21(Tue) 02:37 No.8  
Hi again,have you heard some news from Japan about the live drama? I have tried to find some in japanese site,but i had no luck...

Re: Some news about the drama?  Pingshan - 2006/04/01(Thu) 20:48 No.9   HomePage

Sorry. We don't have imformation about drama at all even now.
A fan of MI asked to SPINET (webpage of the magazine "BIG COMIC SPIRITS").
That customer affairs answered;

Currently, we have to say that it's uncertain about a timing of the drama "Maison Ikkoku".
So we cannot tell you a detail.

Re: Some news about the drama?  Theo - 2006/07/31(Mon) 22:26 No.10  

Hi.I heard that Misaki Itou will act Kyoko in new drama...Is that true?

BTW,I guess you know Chinese because your URL spelled in chinese way...^_^

I love <<Maison Ikkoku>>(both animation & comic)&<<The dream of red chamber>>(just from chapter 1 to chapter 80) very much too...

Re: Some news about the drama?  Pingshan - 2006/08/02(Wed) 20:20 No.11   HomePage

>Theo xiansheng
Nihao! Yes, I've studyed Chinese. I also keep other website about Hongloumeng.

Well, I have no new information about the real dorama of Maison Ikkoku even now.
That news "the drama would be on TV in 2006" was noticed in last October.
But magazines of drama, internet news noticed no information.
So I've sent to e-mail to SPI-NET and asked new information. But SPI-NET didn't return mail.
Maybe drama was put aside indefinitely!?

Re: Some news about the drama?  Theo - 2006/08/21(Mon) 21:16 No.12  

Pingshan san:
Konbanwa.I knew you have a website about Honglou Meng,so I said I also like <<MI>>&<<HongLou Meng>>...
I think your website about MI is very rich in content.If you know chinese,why not build a chinese version?I'm sure there're so many MI fans in China...

Hi  Contributer:KYOICH Date:2006/03/15(Wed) 16:31 No.7  
If you like Maison Ikkoku,and hope more,
you should learn Japanese langage!
The auther of Maison Ikkoku use "DAJARE".
It is Japanese joke!but cant understand
in English.so we should learn Japanese!
But Japanese is too deficult...

Maison ikkoku news about drama  Contributer:Ishikawa Date:2006/02/04(Sat) 22:33 No.6  
Arigatou gozaimasu for your kindness...i will wait some news with impatience....Mata ne

Maison Ikkoku drama and movie  Contributer:Ishikawa Date:2006/02/04(Sat) 22:33 No.4  
Hello everybody...i hope the drama of Maison ikkoku will be better than the live action movie (it can't be worst!!!)...i am a big big fan of Maison ikkoku, i am impatience to see it...please update the info when they will be available...Ciao a tutti

Re: Maison Ikkoku drama and movie  Pingshan - 2006/02/06(Mon) 20:27 No.5   HomePage

Hello! I'm a manager of this site.

We don't have detailed infomation about that drama even now.
"Maison Ikkoku" would be made a TV drama in 2006..."
That news was noticed on the magazine in last October.

Many fan started many rumor about it.
Such as scenario, casting, which TV station...

But additional news has not been released.
When I have new information about the drama, I'll soon tell you.

The secret story about the birth of "Maison I... Contributer:Pingshan Date:2005/11/20(Sun) 12:27 No.3   HomePage
On the magazine "BIG CIMIC SPIRITS", Rumiko Takahashi drowed a cartoon
of 2 pages. It was a secret story about the birth of "Maison Ikkoku".
I'll try translate.

"1980" Rumiko Takahashi

After 3 years from my decutting as a manga artist,
I've graduated from college, and started running a serial manga
in the weekly magazine "Shonen Sunday".

I've lived a wooden mortar apartment at Nakano, Tokyo
since the college days.

My charge editer of those days said:
"Run a serial manga. We would start new magazine."

I had only one idea, and said,
"I want make a manga on the theme of a cheap apartment."

There was a suspicious apartment next to my apartment.

I could find a hand guards and protector of Kendo at the front window,
and books sticked out the other broken window.

I've never seen residents.
That apartment was completely demolished in 1980 spring.

I made stoyies of "Maison Ikkoku" with this apartment as a model.
"I'd better take photographs.."
When I decided to run a serial, I had been unable to seen buliding.

On the day the first number published..
"Sorry, I forgot to take a magazine."

I remember it was rainstorm.
"My manga appear in."
I bought that first number at general store nearby.

previous notice, cut of propaganda poster,
I had a good time in a unique atomosphere on starting magazine,
it was excitement,uneasiness,expectation..
"Here is a small room."
In 1980 winter, I decided to be moving and keep work space.

New drama of Maison Ikkoku !! Contributer:Pingshan Date:2005/11/20(Sun) 16:37 No.2   HomePage
It was decided that "Maison Ikkoku" would be made a TV drama in 2006.
It's not animation, but performance by actors and actresses.
This news was published on the magazine "BIG CIMIC SPIRITS" in this October.
We have no details about it.

Do you know? MI was made a movie film in Japan in 1886 :)
But this movie was unpopular in the fan by the reason of too bad scenario.

Here is a package of DVD.

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